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Certificate IV Training and Assessment
- Foster and promote an inclusive learning culture (TAAENV402B)
- Work effectively in vocational education and training (TAAENV401B)
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Parramatta College Units of Competency
- Provide enrichment for animals (ACMGAS302A)
- Provide companion animal hydro-bathing services (ACMCAS307A)
- Complete animal care hygiene routines (ACMGAS203A)
- Work effectively in the companion animal industry (ACMCAS301A)
- Contribute to assessment (TAEASS301B)
- Contribute to occupational health and safety processes (ACMOHS301A)
- Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal work (ACMINF301A)
- Plan assessment activities and processes (TAEASS401B)
- Participate in assessment validation (TAEASS403B)
- Assess competence (TAEASS402B)
- Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing (ACMGAS301A)
- Provide grooming services for companion animal comfort (ACMCAS306A)
- Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices (ACMSUS201A)
- Capture, handle and transport companion animals (ACMCAS304A)
- Provide reception services for an animal care facility (ACMGAS207A)
- Provide basic care of dogs (ACMSPE304A)
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Certificate IV in Frontline Management
- Promote innovation in a team environment (BSBINN301A)
- Coordinate business resources (BSBADM409A)
- Develop work priorities (BSBWOR404A)
- Implement continuous improvement (BSBMGT403A)
- Monitor a safe workplace (BSBOHS407A)
- Establish effective workplace relationships (BSBWOR401A)
- Implement operational plan (BSBMGT402A)
- Show leadership in the workplace (BSBMGT401A)
- Manage projects (BSBPMG510A)
- Promote team effectiveness (BSBWOR402A)
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
History of Sydney
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Accounting Term 3
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Related Products
Certificate III in Aged Care Work
- Provide care support to aged people (CHCAC1A)
- Promote the safety, well-being and welfare of children, young people and their families (CHCCHILD3A)
- Coordinate work in the aged care sector (CHCAC13A)
- Provide support to an older person (CHCAC1C)
- Provide services to older people with complex needs (CHCAC412B)
- Safeguard the rights and needs of aged people (CHCAC11A)
- Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements (CHCCHILD2A)
- Provide care support which is responsive to the specific nature of dementia (CHCAC15A)
- Develop a service delivery strategy (CHCAC10A)
- Manage and maintain tenancies (CHCCH10A)
- Undertake work in the community services industry (CHCCD12A)
- Provide services to meet aged people's personal needs (CHCAC12A)
- Work within legislative and ethical requirements (CHCCHILD1A)
- Provide personal care (CHCAC2C)
- Provide food services (CHCAC16A)
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Related Products
Certificate III in Children's Services
- Work within legislative and ethical requirements (CHCCHILD1A)
- Support behaviour of children and young people (CHCCHILD301A)
- Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements (CHCCHILD2A)
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Certificate III in Aged Care Work
- Support the older person to maintain their independence (CHCAC17A)
- Promote the safety, well-being and welfare of children, young people and their families (CHCCHILD3A)
- Coordinate work in the aged care sector (CHCAC13A)
- Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements (CHCCHILD2A)
- Provide support to an older person (CHCAC1C)
- Develop a service delivery strategy (CHCAC10A)
- Undertake work in the community services industry (CHCCD12A)
- Provide food services (CHCAC16A)
- Manage and maintain tenancies (CHCCH10A)
- Provide services to meet aged people's personal needs (CHCAC12A)
- Provide personal care (CHCAC2C)
- Provide services to older people with complex needs (CHCAC412B)
- Provide care support to aged people (CHCAC1A)
- Work within legislative and ethical requirements (CHCCHILD1A)
- Safeguard the rights and needs of aged people (CHCAC11A)
- Provide care support which is responsive to the specific nature of dementia (CHCAC15A)
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
Related Products
onCourse Surveys for Students and Stakeholders
- Accept dangerous goods for air transport (TDAD103A)
- Intermediate Spoken Interaction Skills (90992NSW/D)
- Integrate commercial computing packages (ICAU2013B)
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.
VET tester
- Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing (ACMGAS301A)
- Provide reception services for an animal care facility (ACMGAS207A)
- Test plant, tooling, equipment or systems - Basic (AUM1801A)
This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.