2 Day Course ish onCourse

2 Day Course

2 Day Course

Student feedback

I am a big fan of Susie Murphie's style of working with watercolours and she has been a big influence on my own work. Even though I am an experienced artist myself I always learn something from her workshops.

Materials test 122

Please bring the following materials with you to class:

  • Winsor and Newton watercolour paints NB: your tutor has specified this brand, which is affordable and excellent quality, to ensure you get optimum results. Small tubes are absolutely fine and will last for months, if not years. The Winsor and Newton colours you will need are:
    • French Ultramarine Blue
    • Quinacridone Magenta
    • Quinacridone Gold
    • Burnt Sienna
    • Raw Sienna
    • Cerulean Blue
  • Watercolour paper cold pressed – pad of A3 or A4
  • Large watercolour palette – if unsure, just bring a large white china or melamine plate (not plastic) and Susie can show you which type of palette is best.
  • Watercolour Brushes - a selection between size 12 and 18, Synthetic round pointed brushes are available at https://www.bunnings.com.au/products/paint-decorating/craft/craft-brushes?gclid=Cj0KCQiAmaibBhCAARIsAKUlaKS-AGaUe3smQJwRFXSxydfh4jMIbifaKmlhjYBgWvL6rs_JtTZZeTIaAjP8EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds for under $5 each and are excellent. You will not need small brushes.
  • Pencil 2B
  • Old tea towel or soft rags
  • Roll of paper towels
  • Masking tape or clips
  1. March: Watercolour | Subtle Colour Mixing
Assessments are made against units of competency.

This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.